
Payslip Notes

In certain circumstances you may wish to add explanatory notes for an item / items on an employee’s payslip.

You can do this by clicking on the Notes link next to the Finalise button on the employee’s profile. You will then have a list of items to which you can attach a note – select the one you want, enter your note and click Save changes.

You can add notes to multiple items on a payslip but only one note per item. Any notes added will appear as footnotes at the bottom of the payslip. Payslip notes added to regular items will not carry over to subsequent period.

Employee Notes

Employee notes allow you to record various information pertaining to the employee. This includes notes on matters such as performance, disciplinary procedures and training, as well as general documentation such as ID documents and medical certificates.

You can add an employee note as follows:

  • Go to the employee’s profile
  • Click Notes > New
  • Enter the subject and the body
  • Select the category
  • Upload any relevant documentation
  • Save

You can also view or edit existing notes from the above screen.